Showing posts from August, 2022Show all
?????? Write programs in C to find sum of two numbers depicting functions👊👊
Write a program in C to find sum of two numbers😀😀😀😀
Write a program in C to find the sum of first 10 Natural Numbers. 😊😊😊😊
Write a program in C to check whether Number is Even or Odd.  😊😊😊😊
??????? Write a program in C to generate Fibonacci Series. ???
Write a program in C to find factorial of a given number using recursive method.😅😅😅😅😅😅💪
Write a program in C to check whether a number is Prime Or Not. 👨👨👨👨
Write a program in C to find factorial of a given number. 👦👦👦👦👦👦👦
?????? Write a program in C to store a string and find its length without using strlen() function.
????? Write a program in C to find the number of words in a string.
???? Write a program in C where you store (using array) numbers 1-9 in serial order and then  print these numbers in reverse order
?????? Write a program in C to define a Pointer variable and store the value in it then print the  address of the variable stored in it and the value stored in that variable with the help of  pointer variable.
Addig two number from taken user😐😐
Data type size 😎😎😎😎
Sum of ten natural number ✍✍✍✍